Mathematical Analysis of the Performance of A New Commercial Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membrane for Osmotic Hydro-Power Production
Saif T. Manji, Soran D. Jalal, Abdulmajid H. Osman "Mathematical Analysis of the Performance of A New Commercial Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membrane for Osmotic Hydro-Power Production", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V20(3),166-169 Feb 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Driven by global demand for continuous and clean energy resources, hydro-osmotic power emerged as one of the most promising emission-free energy resources. A recently developed thin-film composite membrane by HTI Company for FO desalination that possesses high water permeation rate and good mechanical properties is considered in this analysis to examine its applicability for power generation under pressure-retarded osmosis operating conditions. The mathematical analysis revealed that that prewetted TFC membrane in 50 wt% isopropyl solution under hydraulic pressure difference of 12.5 bar for brine solution of 35.5 g/l NaCl against a 0.15 g/l NaCl solution brine solution velocity of 1.3 m/s gives a power density value of 5.2 W/m2, a value higher than the economical reported value.
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Renewable Energy, Osmotic Hydro-Power, Pressure Retarded Osmosis, Thin-Film Composite Membrane, Mathematical Analysis.