Coexistence GPON, NG-PON, and CATV systems
Tomas Horváth, LukášKo?í, Michal Jur?ík, MiloslavFilka"Coexistence GPON, NG-PON, and CATV systems", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V21(2),61-66 March 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This article deals with the coexistence of two passive optical standards with video transmission using the CATV technology. The paper shows the cross coexistence of standards that are used for an analysis of critical parameters BER. The results of simulations define border parameters for data services in networks with the BER parameter. The designed model has proven that it is able to transfer 4 services via GPON, NG-PON networks (data, IPTV, voice, and analogue television signal.
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Passiveopticalnetworks,GPON,NG-PON,coexistence,OptSim, simulation.