Indian Iris Recognition System using Ant Colony Optimization
Anupam Tiwari, Vinay Jain"Indian Iris Recognition System using Ant Colony Optimization", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V21(8),380-387 March 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Iris recognition has become popular now a day’s due to its uniqueness and stability. Among all the others biometrics as face, thumb, voice recognitions, iris recognition getting more popular in research areas in biometrics recognition. In other biometrics other than iris, it will be seen that there is some sort of biological alteration in face, voice, and thumb over human life of span from birth to older age. In this paper we are using modified way of Libor masek method. In modified Libor masek method mainly three phases preprocessing, feature extraction is based on Ant Colony Optimization(ACO), template matching plus calculation of centre coordinates, inner and outer radius of iris in eye image. Here we are using IIT Delhi database for our iris recognition system.
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Iris recognition, ant colony optimization, Segmentation.