Infrared Thermal Image Segmentation for Fault Detection in Electrical Circuits Using Watershed Algorithm
Yasaswi V, Keerthi S, Jainab Begum S , Krishna Sravan Y, Sridhar B"Infrared Thermal Image Segmentation for Fault Detection in Electrical Circuits Using Watershed Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V21(9),423-429 March 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Infrared thermography is a non invasive technology that can be used in agriculture, construction, manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries for fault detection and to check the quality of an object. This helps to monitor temperature and analyze the high temperature zone so as to prevent the electrical assets from any catastrophe that may happen in future. The infrared camera generates a color image which needs to be segmented. We have developed a method by using the Watershed city block distance transform algorithm for the faulty image segmentation. The area of high temperature region obtained after segmentation was computed and is compared with that of the image area.
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