Graphene Based Planar VLSI Interconnects
Praggya Agnihotry, R.P.Agarwal"Graphene Based Planar VLSI Interconnects", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V22(6),253-254 April 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Recently graphene nano-ribbon is a strong candidate for future VLSI interconnects systems. Cu interconnect systems were used in past but as technology node decreases the above interconnect system faced many problems. The VLSI interconnects which are mainly used at high frequencies or in nano-scale region are planar interconnects (GNR) and nonplanar interconnects (CNT). This paper review the published research work related to graphene based planar VLSI Interconnects.
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Interconnect, Graphene Nano-ribbon, Single wall CNT, Multi wall CNT, Multi layer GNR.