Design and Simulation of Microcontroller Based Wireless Patient Intelligent Health Monitoring System with GSM Alert Technology

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2015 by IJETT Journal
Volume-24 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Chukwunazo. J. Ezeofor, Remigius. O. Okeke, Ogbuokebe S.K
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V24P217


Chukwunazo. J. Ezeofor, Remigius. O. Okeke, Ogbuokebe S.K"Design and Simulation of Microcontroller Based Wireless Patient Intelligent Health Monitoring System with GSM Alert Technology", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V24(2),87-95 June 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

This paper presents the design and simulation of a wireless patient intelligent health monitoring system with GSM alert Technology. In the hospitals where patient’s body temperature needs to be constantly monitored, this is usually done by a doctor or other paramedical staff by constantly observing the temperature, pulse rate and maintaining a record of these parameters. This is a very tedious method and can really be stressful, especially in overcrowded hospitals. The primary function of this system is to monitor the temperature and pulse rate of a patient’s body, and send the information wirelessly to the doctor’s office on the LCD display unit. In this proposed system, a transmitting unit continuously reads patient’s body temperature and heart rate through digital sensors, displays them on the transmitter LCD. At the receiving end, a receiver is used to receive the data, decode it and feed them to another microcontroller which then displays it on the doctor’s LCD screen. The receiver unit is kept in the doctor’s chamber to continuously display the patient’s body temperature and heart rate wirelessly. An alarm is also activated at the receiver end where the doctor will be, and is activated when the patient’s temperature or heart rate goes below or above the normal human threshold value, which are 37°C and 70 beats per minute. An SMS will be sent to the doctor, just in case he or she is outside the vicinity and to serve as an avenue for constant update. The proposed system was simulated using Proteus software and programs written in Embedded C language. The result obtained shows an efficient method of relating information to the doctor on duty for urgent attention to patients.


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Arduino Uno, Transmitter, Receiver, LCD, Intel Galileo, GSM technology, Health Pulse rate, WPIHMS