An Analytical Analysis of Propagation Delay in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2015 by IJETT Journal
Volume-24 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Ramesh K, Kannan V
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V24P224


Ramesh K, Kannan V"An Analytical Analysis of Propagation Delay in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V24(3),128-134 June 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) is adapted to the intrinsic properties of underwater environments, such as long propagation delays, limited time width, and refractive properties of the medium, rapid time variation, low data rates and difficulty of synchronization. Although several time synchronization protocols have been developed, most of them tend to break down when implemented on mobile underwater sensor networks. However, optimality of the number of access slots with respect to the system performance parameters, such as system utilization, blocking probability, and delay, were not thoroughly studied. Besides, the effect of propagation delay uncertainty, which predominantly happens in underwater communications are yet to be addressed. Long propagation delays and low bit rates of underwater sensor networks make these systems fundamentally different from the packet radio networks. As a consequence, many of the network protocols designed for radio channels are either not applicable, or have extremely low efficiency over underwater acoustic channels. These facts necessitate a dedicated design of protocols for an underwater sensor networks .In this paper, we propose an analytical analysis of propagation delay tolerant ALOHA protocol proposed recently for underwater sensor networks. In this scheme, guard-times are introduced at each slot to reduce collisions between senders with different distances to the receiver. We prove some interesting properties concerning the performance of this protocol and show how it varies with key application and protocol parameters such as propagation delay, traffic load, and the guard-time. As well as simulations to show the performance of ALOHA protocol in the underwater environment. Our results show that long propagation delay of acoustic signals prohibits the coordination among nodes.


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Propagation delay, Guard – times, Collisions, ALOHA protocol.