Effects of the Average Temperature on the Photocurrent Density of Inorganic Solar Cells Based on Silicon in the Presence of Excitons

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2015 by IJETT Journal
Volume-24 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Modou Faye, Saliou Ndiaye, Cheikh Mbow, Bassirou Ba
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V24P230


Modou Faye, Saliou Ndiaye, Cheikh Mbow, Bassirou Ba"Effects of the Average Temperature on the Photocurrent Density of Inorganic Solar Cells Based on Silicon in the Presence of Excitons", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V24(3),160-164 June 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group

Exciton dissociation in solar cells, based on inorganic materials, is easily done under the effect of the electric field. They exhibit strong photovoltaic properties, in particular the generation of quantum efficiency of the charge carriers. The electron continuity equations and exciton coupled, governing generation-recombination mechanisms and dissemination after a monochromatic illumination from the front side and a thermal insulation from the back side of the cell and the heat equation were resolved by a numerical approach based on the finite volume method. These mechanisms are analyzed through the profile of the total photocurrent density, calculated for different values of the average temperature. The effects of the heating factor, the number of Fourier and the surface conversion velocity on the total photocurrent density were analyzed. In the end, a comparison between the total photocurrent densities, calculated as functions of these two forms coupling coefficients volume fixed and different in the base, was also proposed. This study allowed us to achieve our objective, namely the development of a numerical model applicable to inorganic solar cells.


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Excitons, Average temperature, Factor heater, Number of Fourier, photocurrent.