Design and Development of Network Monitoring and Controlling Tool for Domain Controller @ Department of Computer Studies, CISBER using RMI Technology- A Case Study

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2015 by IJETT Journal
Volume-26 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Dr. P.G. Naik, Mr. M.B. Patil
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V26P211


Dr. P.G. Naik, Mr. M.B. Patil "Design and Development of Network Monitoring and Controlling Tool for Domain Controller @ Department of Computer Studies, CISBER using RMI Technology- A Case Study", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V26(2),55-64 August 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

A large and a moderate sized organization typically consists of a computer network comprising of nodes of different configuration. Further, based on the position of an employee in an organizational hierarchy the network user can be granted permission for accessing certain resources. This can be achieved at the application level by performing an employee role mapping to a pre-defined task list. In the case of shared resources disciplined approach is desirable for proper sharing of band width based on the factors such as a priority of a task, role of an employee in the organization etc., failing of which will result in a legitimate user being deprived of his fair share. In their earlier work, the authors have designed and developed a network monitoring and controlling tool using both single threading and multi threading models. The tool has been thoroughly tested in work group environment and works as per the expectations. However, the tool has not taken care of domain controller and as such has some limitations it its scope and usability. In order to overcome these limitations, the authors have re-designed the tool for domain controller using Java`s RMI technology. A single site of control is achieved using FTP and Telnet technologies. As before, the task permissions and the duration for which the tasks are permissible on different machines are stored in XML configuration file which is parsed using JDOM (Java Document Object Model) parser. The configuration file contains the details such as the machine name and the list of tasks not permitted on that machine during a specified time interval. The list of machines and the list of tasks not permitted on that machine for the given time period are configurable by an end user. A user friendly interface is developed for this purpose.


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FTP, JDOM, Remote Method Invocation, Network, Tasklist, Telnet, Workgroup.