Performance Analysis of V/f Controlled Inverter Fed Induction Motor under Different Conditions
K.Swetha, V.Ramesh Babu"Performance Analysis of V/f Controlled Inverter Fed Induction Motor under Different Conditions", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V26(4),221-224 August 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The varying industrial requisites
demand meticulous control of outcomes of the
drives. Induction motors are the most extensively
used motors for industrial control and automation.
The open loop V/Hz control method is most popular
speed control method because of its simplicity. This
paper presents a closed loop constant V/Hz control
in order to overcome the limitations above and to
improve the performance of the drive. This closed
loop constant V/Hz control method presents the
analysis of speed and torque at different load
conditions of a three phase squirrel cage induction
motor drive fed with inverter using IGBTS at the
power stage with constant volts per hertz control
Using PI controller. A 7.5HP, 3-phase, 415v, 50Hz
squirrel cage induction is used as a load for
inverter. Simulation results of the proposed work
are shown in this paper.
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