Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in Telecom Sector
Debasish Baruah, Thuleswar Nath, Dimpi Bora"Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in Telecom Sector", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V27(2),111-117 September 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Service quality is the difference between the
service expectation of the customer and service received by
the customer that is service perception. Various factors
influence the customer perception. Also Customer
satisfaction is influenced by customer perception. The
telecom sector in India is now facing tremendous
competition in providing quality service and ensuring
customer satisfaction. The objective of this paper is to find
the important service quality dimensions affecting customer
satisfaction in telecom sector and to find the impact of these
dimensions on customer satisfaction. Also this paper aims to
find the gender wise perception of the dimensions. A
modified questionnaire was prepared based on SERVQUAL
instrument. It was found from regression analysis that all
the dimensions of service quality were positively and
significantly impacted the customer satisfaction. Also, from
ANOVA analysis, it was found that for reliability,
responsiveness and empathy, there was difference between
male and female regarding the perception of these
dimensions while for tangible, assurance and network
quality, there was no difference. The results would help the
service providers in taking major steps to improve the
service quality.
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Service quality, Customer satisfaction,
Telecom sector, service quality dimensions, SERVQUAL