Structural Parameters Analysis of Mg Doped ZnO Nano Particles for Various Mg Concentrations
Shanmugan S, Mohamed Mustaqim A.B, Mutharasu D"Structural Parameters Analysis of Mg Doped ZnO Nano Particles for Various Mg Concentrations", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V28(1),27-36 October 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Mg doped ZnO nano particles were
synthesized by chemical precipitation method and post
processing was performed at two different annealing
temperatures. The structural characterization was
performed for all Mg doped ZnO samples using XRD
and their results were compared with the results of
undoped ZnO nano particles. As grown samples were
the mixture of randomly orientated ZnO nano crystals
along with Zn(OH)2 compounds and confirmed by
XRD spectra. Annealing process was aided to
decompose Zn(OH)2 compounds and observed pure
ZnO compounds with preferred (100), (002) and (101)
orientations. The peak intensity of preferred
orientations was varied with respect to Mg
concentrations and low for the samples of 6% M Mg
(6MZO) annealed at 500°C. Highly intensive peak
was noticed for 700°C annealed samples. Peak
shifting towards low and high 2? values was noticed
for 6MZO samples annealed at 500°C and 700°C
respectively. Mg doping was influenced the crystallite
size of ZnO nanoparticles and low value was observed
with 6MZO sample. The lattice parameters of undoped
and Mg doped ZnO nano particles were slightly
changes with respect to the Mg concentrations and
higher value was noticed with ?8 M% of Mg in ZnO.
The dislocation density was also dependent on Mg
concentrations as well as annealing temperatures and
low values were noticed with low Mg concentrations
for (002) oriented phase at annealed conditions. As
grown samples were influenced by the mixture of
tensile and compressive stress and high & low values
in tensile stress were noticed with (002) orientate of
6MZO samples (9.18 x 10-2) and (100) orientation of
2MZO samples (8.76 x 10-4) respectively when
annealed at 700°C.
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