Software for Stresses and Mohr’s Circle Computation, Transformation and Sensitivity Analysis
Okonkwo Ugochukwu C., Onokwai Anthony O., Onokpite Ejiroghene"Software for Stresses and Mohr’s Circle Computation, Transformation and Sensitivity Analysis", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V28(3),123-129 October 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Software has been developed for
stress and Mohr’s circle computation, transformation
and sensitivity analysis. It is developed to help
students visualize the state of stress at a point and to
understand the nature and effects of stress
transformation which is one of the leading importance
phenomena in the field of engineering. The software
shows the effect of stresses on materials inclined at
different angles and subjected to axial compressive
loading. The software is developed in java
programming language, because it is simple, objectoriented
and user friendly. The developed software
calculates normal stress, tangential stress, resultant
stress as well as obliquity of resultant stress with
changing orientation while Mohr circle is used to
support the graphics. It also shows the behaviour of
stresses on materials as the angle of inclination
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Stress, Software, Stress transformation,
Mohr’s Circle, Principal stress, Tangential stress,
Resultant Stress, Obliquity of resultant Stress.