Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate & Cement in Concrete with Ceramic Rejects
Sadic Azeez, Remya Raju, Dr. P.R Sreemahadevan Pillai"Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate & Cement in Concrete with Ceramic Rejects", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V28(5),243-247 October 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Research is being carried out on the
utilization of waste products in concrete as a
replacement of natural sand and cement. Such
waste products included in this paper are the
rejects from ceramic industries, mainly quartz
powder and grog. Each of these waste products
has significant effects on the properties of
concrete. The use of waste products in concrete
not only makes it economical, but also helps in
reducing waste disposal problems. In this paper
it is planning to replace both fine aggregate and
cementitious material with the rejects from
ceramic industries. After the physical and
chemical analysis of quartz powder and grog, it
will be able to identify its chemical and
mineralogical composition. During the physical
analysis like grain size analysis it is able to
determine the utility size i.e. whether it can be
replaced for sand or cement. In this paper both
fine aggregate and cement is replaced with
quartz and grog simultaneously and also fine
aggregate alone is replaced with different
proportions of quartz and grog . After the
experimental analysis and testing an optimum
replacement of 5% fine aggregate and 5%
cement is possible. It is also found that
compressive strength and splitting tensile
strength of replaced specimens increases up to
25% replacement of fine aggregate without
replacing cement .
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