Arduino Based Wireless Biomedical Parameter Monitoring System Using Zigbee
Harshavardhan B.Patil, Prof.V.M.Umale"Arduino Based Wireless Biomedical Parameter Monitoring System Using Zigbee", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V28(7),316-320 October 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper present design and implement wireless biomedical parameters monitoring system based on different biomedical sensors and microcontroller unit Arduino UNO with Zigbee.The system can be used to measure physiological parameters, such as Blood pressure (Systolic and Diastolic), Pulse rate, ECG monitoring, Temperature of a human subject. Using several sensors to measure different vital signs, the person is wirelessly monitored within his own home. There are number of techniques available for the ICU patient’s health monitoring system with wired communication technology. In the novel system the patient health is continuously monitored using wireless sensor networks and the acquired data is transmitted to a microcontroller unit Arduino UNO and then to Zigbee. At the receiver side the data is collected with Zigbee and Arduino and displayed on relevant displays. The device is battery powered for used outdoors.
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[6] ATMEGA328 Datasheet by ATMEL Corporation.
[7] AD8232 Datasheet by sparkfun technology.
[8] LM35 Datasheet.
[9] Blood pressure sensor by Sunrom 4118 model.
Arduino, Bio-Sensors: Blood pressure, ECG, Temperature, biomedical monitoring system, Zigbee.