An Enhanced Approach in Run Length Encoding Scheme (EARLE)

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2011 by IJETT Journal
Volume-2 Issue-1                          
Year of Publication : 2011
Authors :A. Nagarajan,Dr.K.Alagarsamy


A.Nagarajan,Dr.K.Alagarsamy."An Enhanced Approach in Run Length Encoding Scheme (EARLE)". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT),V2(1):43-48 Jul to Aug 2011. ISSN:2231-5381. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Image compression is reducing the size in bytes of a graphics file without degrading the quality of the image to an unacceptable level. The reduction in file size allows more images to be stored in a give n amount of disk drives or memory space. It also consumes the time required for images to be sent over the Internet or downloaded from Web pages. Data compression schemes give the optimized solution to transfer the data and store the data in secondary stor age . In this paper we are going to propose new idea about enhanced version of run length encoding algorithm. We enhanced the draw backs of run length encoding scheme to provide an optimum compression.


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Image Compression , Run Length Encoding (RLE) , EARLE.