Design of Shunt Active Power Filter to eliminate the harmonic currents and to compensate the reactive power under distorted and or imbalanced source voltages in steady state

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2011 by IJETT Journal
Volume-2 Issue-3                          
Year of Publication : 2011
Authors :Sangu Ravindra, Dr.V.C.Veera Reddy, Dr.S.Sivanagaraju


Sangu Ravindra, Dr.V.C.Veera Reddy, Dr.S.Sivanagaraju. "Design of Shunt Active Power Filter to eliminate the harmonic currents and to compensate the reactive power under distorted and or imbalanced source voltages in steady state". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT),V2(3):20-24 Nov to Dec 2011. ISSN:2231-5381. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


The shunt active power filter has proved to be a useful device to eliminate harmonic currents and to compensate react ive power for linear/nonlinear loads. This paper presents a novel approach to determine reference compensation currents of the three - phase shunt active power filter (APF) under distorted and/or imbalanced source voltages in steady state. The proposed appro ach is compared with three reviewed shunt APF reference compensation strategies. Results obtained by simulations with Matlab and Simulink show that the proposed approach is more effective than the reviewed approaches on compensating reactive power and harm onic/neutral currents of the load, even if the source voltages are severely distorted and imbalanced. In addition, the proposed approach yields a simpler design of the shunt APF controller.


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Shunt active power filter, Voltage source convert ers, Linear and nonlinear loads , PI Controllers .