Stop-and-Wait ARQ Technique for RepairingFrame and Acknowledgment Transmission
Zuhri Ramadhan, Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan"Stop-and-Wait ARQ Technique for RepairingFrame and Acknowledgment Transmission", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(7),384-387 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In sending data, a transmission will
experience a damage or an error in the delivery
process. Corrupted data will not be used for their
intended purpose. Stop-and-Wait methods of
Automatic Repeat Request is a method that is applied
to correct errors in the process of sending the frame at
the time of transmission. Data transmission is always
done between the sending computer and the receiving
computer. This method ensures that information is not
lost due to packet drops and that the received packets
in the correct order. This is the simplest type of
method Automatic Repeat Request. Stop-and-Wait
method will automatically fix corrupted data occurs in
the transmission process. This method works by
calculating the waiting time and timeout on both
computers. If the data packets successfully sent and
the recipient receives the data properly, then it will
send an acknowledgment to the sender. It states that
the transmission was not a failure or none of the bits
sent change from 0 to 1 or vice verse. Timeout
function is to record how long the computer wait if
there is incongruity at the time of delivery. After a
specified time limit runs out, either framed or
acknowledgment will be sent again to correct the
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