Effect of Various Parameters on the Wrinkling In Deep Drawing Cylindrical Cups
R. Venkat Reddy , Dr T.A. Janardhan Reddy , Dr.G.C.M. Reddy. "Effect of Various Parameters on the Wrinkling In Deep Drawing Cylindrical Cups". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(1):53-58 Jan-Feb 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The appearance of dimensional deviations of shape and position, of the defects in the metal sheets that have been subjected to a cold plastic deformation process (deep - drawing), represents a critical problem for the specific indust ry, especially for the mass production, like the machine manufacturing industry. The aim of this publication is to present the principal aspects that effect of various factors like BHF, punch radius, die edge radius, and coefficient of friction on the wrin kling of cylindrical parts in deep drawing process. The initiation and growth of wrinkles are influenced by many factors such as stress ratios, the mechanical properties of the sheet material, the geometry of the work piece, and contact condition. It is di fficult to analyze wrinkling initiation and growth while considering all the factors because the effects of the factors are very complex and studies of wrinkling behavior may show a wide scattering of data even for small deviations in factors. In the prese nt study, the mechanism of wrinkling initiation and growth in the cylindrical cup deep drawing process is investigated in detail.
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D eep - D rawing, W rinkling, P lastic deformation , Blank Holding Force.