A Class Based Approach for Medical Classification of Chest Pain
K.RuthRamya,K.Anusha, K.Chanti,V.Sri Vidya, P.Praveen Kumar . " A Class Based Approach for Medical Classification of Chest Pain". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(2):89-93 Mar-Apr 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper focuses on class based data mining algorithm and their use in medical applications. Data mining techniques have been used in medical research for many years and have been known to be effective. In order to solve such problems as long - waiting time, congestion, and delayed patient care, faced by emerg ency departments. This study concentrates on building a hybrid methodology, based on using A New Class Based Associative Classification Algorithm which is an advanced and efficient approach than all other association and classification Data Mining algorit hms . Applying the association rule into classification can improve the accuracy and obtain some valuable rules and information that cannot be captured by other classification approaches. The class label is taken good advantage in the rule mining step so as to cut down the searching space. The proposed algorithm also synchronize the rule generation and classifier building phases, shrinking the rule mining space when building the classifier to help speed up the rule generation.
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Data mining, medical decisions, medical domain knowledge, dataset, pruning, rule mining, chest pain.