Computer Network Analysis for a Network User Behaviour: A Case Study of Buildings PPBS D Jatinangor
Drs. Ino Suryana, M.Kom, Rudi Rosadi, S.Si., M.Kom, Deni Setiana,S.Si., M.CS, Izzan Lastryana Oktiadi"Computer Network Analysis for a Network User Behaviour: A Case Study of Buildings PPBS D Jatinangor", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V41(1),37-43 November 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Computer networks are widely used for various purposes. User of computer networks need to be analyzed, to determine how effective the computer network is used. Network forensics plays an important role to transform the data packet into a structure that can be understood for further use. Packet sniffing process took the entire packet on the network, the classification used here is the port and protocol. In this thesis carried out the manufacture of desktop-based network tools using Visual Studio 2013 and C # programming language. Tools can classify network users with data sources .pcap format. Based on the test results, resulting that HTTP / HTTPS is active in wireless and wired than already access the website / server that leads to education. VPN is more active than the wired LAN. Dropbox is widely used on wired or wireless networks. Based on bytes in Wednesday on the wireless and wired is the highest compared to other days. Based on the IP header length no attack happened.
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Computer Network, Network Forensic, Port, Protocol, Packet Sniffing.