Optimization of Sand Casting Process Parameters for 46MnSi4 Alloy Steel Trash Plate Castings Applicable for Roller Stand
Kidu Geberecherkos Weldeanenia, Asmamaw Tegegne Abebe "Optimization of Sand Casting Process Parameters for 46MnSi4 Alloy Steel Trash Plate Castings Applicable for Roller Stand", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V41(8),399-408 November 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This research is intended to optimize the sand casting process parameters of trash plate castings produced from 46MnSi4 alloy steel in ferrous metal foundryapplicable for roller stand of sugar industry.The trash plate should attain high toughness and resistant to the roller load. However the due to different reasons including casting parameters the plate gets low quality and is usually affected by different defects including porosity. The objective of the this research was thus optimizing sand casting process parameters of 46MnSi4 alloy steel trash plate castings manufactured at Akaki Basic Metal Industry for the purpose of roller stand used in sugar industries. To carry out the researchphysical observation, photographic analysis, brainwashing and experimentation methods were used. Purposive sampling method was considered and 18 samples (trash plates) were taken for analysis. Experiment was carried out using Taguchi design approach and then effects of factors were analysed using Minitab software. Optimum settings of the selected process parameters namely pouring time, runner size and pouring temperature ware 82 seconds, 62cm2 and 1672Oc respectively. Contribution of factors were analysed using ANOVA method and results obtained were pouring time accounted equals 66.33% of the total effect, the runner size 19.44% and pouring temperature was 6.27%.Thus the dominant parameter affecting the quality of the plat was pouring time of liquid metal, which needs careful setting.
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Parameter optimization, gating system design, optimum settings, casting defects, analysis of variance.