Study of Fault Currents and Relay Coordination of a Chemical Industry After Integrating with PV Generation and Simulation with a Software
B. Ramakoti, S. Hari Prasad Babu, K. Aravinda Swamy, K. Ramakrishna, B. Koti Reddy "Study of Fault Currents and Relay Coordination of a Chemical Industry After Integrating with PV Generation and Simulation with a Software", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V42(5),208-212 December 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In the present de-regulation and distributed generation era, most of the large industries are adopting various distribution generators with the use of Renewable energy resources like solar, wind etc. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the basic principle of solar photo-voltaic system, its integration with the existing utility grid and protection issues. As all are aware, solar power generation is being encouraged globally with the tag of “Green Power”, but there are certain issues like synchronisation, power- flows, harmonics and especially protective relay coordination. Later has been discussed thoroughly in this paper. A continuous chemical Industry, whose incoming grid power is integrated with solar PV power, has been selected for the case study. In the selected industry, a part of electrical net-work, which covers with point of coupling (POC) and detailed fault calculations are done as per the available literature for both the scenarios of pre-PV integration and post-PV integration. Also similar fault calculations are done with e-tap software and compared both the results. Then the relay coordination or Time Current Characteristics (TCC) of both pre and post PV integration scenarios are simulated with the software and the both results are compared to arrive a final conclusion of Relay coordination.
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— Solar Photo Voltaic, Relay co-ordination, PV integration, Fault currents, Point of coupling.