Developing a two dimensional framework to review the Supply Chain Performance Measurement literature
M. Manikandan, S. Chidambaranathan "Developing a two dimensional framework to review the Supply Chain Performance Measurement literature", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(1),86-96 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Nowadays the supply chain management creates the value for companies, customers and stake holders interacting throughout a supply chain, the researchers recognize the need for measuring and monitoring the performance. Performance measurements play an important role in setting objectives, evaluating performance, and determining future courses of actions. Performance measurements pertaining to supply chain management have not received adequate attention from researchers and practitioners. In this paper a two dimensional framework has been developed for classifying the supply chain performance measurement (SCPM) literature which covers articles from the major journals related with SCPM literature and detailed investigation on methodologies, approaches, models were analyzed and gaps have been identified for future research.
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Supply chain performance measurement, models, approaches.