Free Space Optical Using Different Modulation Techniques – A Review
Gurpreet Kaur, Harmeet Singh, Amandeep Singh Sappal "Free Space Optical Using Different Modulation Techniques – A Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(2),109-115 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Free space optics is now a day’s replacing radio frequency communication because of its high speed, large bandwidth, maximum performance, minimum error and efficient communication. All these can be achieved by using free space optical communication system. Because FSO system is license free and cost effective, therefore, it has become need of the hour. Turbulence manifests in increased Bit Error Rate (BER) leading to degradation in the link performance. This paper focuses on detailed survey of FSO system, modulation techniques used and environmental effects on link performance, while using different modulation techniques and turbulence models. In paper, we observed that MPPM gives best performance under turbulence conditions.
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FSO (Free Space Optics), Bit Error Rate (BER), IM, OOK, PPM, DPSK, SIM, DWDM.