Dynamic Load Management System for Smart Micro-Grid System
AmolBaban. Manghale, GirishKashinathMahajan, GauravPrabhakar Temburnikar "Dynamic Load Management System for Smart Micro-Grid System", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(2),122-125 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents the development of an intelligent dynamic energy management system (I-DEMS) for a smart micro-grid. An evolutionary adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning framework is introduced for evolving the I-DEMS online. The I-DEMS is an optimal or near-optimal DEMS capable of performing grid-connected and islanded micro-grid operations. The primary sources of energy are sustainable, green, and environmentally friendly renewable energy systems (RESs), e.g., wind and solar; however, these forms of energy are uncertain and nondispatchable. Backup battery energy storage and thermal generation were used to overcome these challenges.
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energy systems (RESs), e.g., wind and solar; however, these forms of energy are uncertain and nondispatchable.