Understanding of Customer Expectations and Perceptions of Indian Health Insurance Companies
Mehrdad Asghari, Dr. S. Harish Babu "Understanding of Customer Expectations and Perceptions of Indian Health Insurance Companies", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(3),138-146 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Nowadays increased competition in production and services is observed all around the world. This is completely obvious that increasing competition in services is evident also. This factor makes more difficult day by day towards customers loyalty and their retain specially in hotel, bank and insurance industries. Therefore providing service quality is a major and upcoming challenges for companies operating in this field. Generally the aim of this research is to compare the policyholders` expectations and perceptions from Indian health insurance companies` service quality at Bangalore city. This study in terms of the nature and purpose is descriptive and survey type. All health insurance policyholders in Bangalore city during 2016 constitute the static population of this study. Convenience non random sampling method have been used. In this study both primary and secondary data have been collected. In primary data collection, 197 policyholders have been interviewed by standard SERVQUAL questionnaire (Parasuraman and Zeithmal ,1988). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used towards demographic description and hypothesis testing. SPSS and Excel tools were used to calculate and analysis the collected data. Reliability test have been used to calculate Alpha Cronbachs` coefficient towards validation and reliable of questionnaire. Also statistical techniques such as parried sample T- test, mean, standard deviation were calculated for identifying service quality gap and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the health insurance policyholders` expectations are more than their perceptions. Therefore offered service quality of health insurance companies were in weak level of quality among their policyholders` expectation. These findings were true for all aspects of SERVQUAL model and completely represent the main research hypothesis.
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Service quality, Health insurance, SERVQUAL model, Customer expectations and perceptions.