MATLAB Based Modeling and MPPT using Perturb to Observe Algorithm of PV with Shading Patterns
Sunil Magan More, Prof.A.P.Chaudhari, Prof. GauravTembhurnikar "MATLAB Based Modeling and MPPT using Perturb to Observe Algorithm of PV with Shading Patterns", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(5),250-256 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The aim of this Paper is to study the characteristics of a selected PV module and the factors that affect them that is a MATLAB-based model of a PV module to simulate its characteristics for studying the effect of temperature, solar radiation on the available power. I–V and P–V characteristics of large photovoltaic (PV) arrays under partially shaded conditions are characterized by multiple steps and peaks. This makes the tracking of the actual maximum power point (MPP) [Global Peak (GP)] a difficult task. In addition, most of the existing schemes are unable to extract maximum power from the PV array under these conditions. This project proposes standard algorithm to track the global power peak under partially shaded conditions. The proposed algorithm works in conjunction with a dc–dc converter to track the GP. In order to accelerate the tracking speed, a feed forward control scheme for operating the dc–dc converter is also proposed, which uses the reference voltage information from the tracking algorithm to shift the operation toward the MPP. All the observations and conclusions, including simulation and experimental results, will be presented. With the increasing attention and use of non-conventional energy sources, photovoltaic systems are gaining popularity and large solar farms are getting installed at suitable sites in India. A major challenge in employing the use is that photovoltaic (PV) array has nonlinear output characteristic which vary with the size (number of modules) & configuration (number of modules in series in parallel).The output characteristic is complicated if the array does not receive uniform isolation (partially shaded condition) due to passing clouds, neighboring building & towers, trees, utility and telephone poles as multiple peaks are observed in output characteristic. It is very important to understand and predict the PV characteristics in order to use a PV installation effectively.
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GP - Global peak, MPPT - maximum power point tracking, PS -partial shading.