Multiple Frequencies Microstrip Antenna with Shorted Ground Plane
Piyush Moghe, P. K. Singhal "Multiple Frequencies Microstrip Antenna with Shorted Ground Plane", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(5),257-258 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
“Metamaterial” attracts scholars of various areas and research grown rapidly in this area. The unusual response of these metamaterials are frequently generated by artificially made-up additions or in homogeneities embedded in a host medium or associated to or implanted on a host surface. A microstrip antenna based on the idea of metamaterial has been proposed in this work. Several aspects of the antenna such as size, radiating frequency, bandwidth, beamwidth, gain and directivity have been taken under consideration. With this design the antenna radiates at 1.245 GHz, 1.627 GHz & 1.849 GHz. Return losses at these frequencies are -15.2 dB, -42.5 dB and -14.3 dB respectively.
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Multiple Frequency Antenna, Patch Antenna, Microstrip, Metamaterial.