Impact of Numbers of Sub-Units on Hydraulic and Economic Results of Drip Irrigation System on a Square Field
T.M.V.Suryanarayana, A.A.Kaneria " Impact of Numbers of Sub-Units on Hydraulic and Economic Results of Drip Irrigation System on a Square Field ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(6),353-363 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Drip Irrigation System (DIS) offers application efficiency greater than 90% whereas other traditional irrigation methods gives application efficiency up to 60-70%, other advantage of DIS is, it can be use in most of the field condition and for almost any kind of crops. Amongst various DIS design, design with multiple sub-units is best option for better design, operation and control. However, little information is available on division of field in sub-units. Sub-units are very useful in simplifying the DIS design for field as only for one sub-unit we need to design and then we can apply the same design to each and every sub-units. The objective of this study was to analyze the hydraulic result and economic result for different numbers of sub-unit on a two different square fields one with length and width of 100 m and other having length and width of 200 m, wherein other parameters like crop, infiltration rate, power availability, application efficiency, available discharge, temperature, evapotranspiration remains same. The study is carried out for two possibilities of source of water either at corner or at center. For hydraulic analysis head loss and head required at source is taken into consideration and for economic analysis only cost of pipes are taken into consideration because all other costs like operation cost and of cost other components remains almost same. For economic analysis laterals of LLDPE and manifold, submain and main are of PVC and HDPE material is considered.
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Drip Irrigation System, Best/Worst Sub-units, Hydraulic analysis, Economic Analysis, Square Field.