Enhancing Energy Efficiency using Massive MIMO Technique Applicable for Next Generation Networks
Ms. J.Sivasankari, Dr. B.Sridevi " MPPT Based Dc-Dc Converter with ZVS & ZCS Technique ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(7),374-379 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The Internet of the future will rely, to a large extent, on mobile networks. Mobile data grew by 70% in 2012 and is predicted to grow 13-fold in the next 5 years. This puts a very high demand on the development of mobile access technology and also another issue is that due to macroscopic mobility of users. It is important to determine the performance and energy efficiency of a wireless network because of the temporal correlations that introduced in the consumed power and throughput. Massive MIMO will be the advance development of MIMO technology and it is a new and most promising technology in the direction of mobile access. Massive MIMO takes a clean break with current technology by using several hundreds of base station antenna that phase coherently together simultaneously serving with low power consumption, less delay with high throughput because the base station is the primary energy consumer in the network. Some of the efforts have been made to study base station energy consumption and to find ways to improve energy efficiency. So we proposed a new idea to consume energy at the base station by introducing cluster heads. The potential benefit of this approach is the best for future generation 5G cellular communication.
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Massive MIMO, Energy Efficiency, Clustering heads.