A Novel Software Cost Estimation Technique: Inclusion of Reusability
P. Mangayarkarasi, R. Selvarani "A Novel Software Cost Estimation Technique: Inclusion of Reusability", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V44(1),42-47 February 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Software cost estimation is critical process for software development. It is important for efficient control and management of the whole software development process. An effective reuse of design in software engineering enhances the productivity, escalate quality, and ensure reliability. Adoption of design reusability can benefit the Small and Medium Organization by curtailing production cost as well as execution period. Hence, software developers require excellent support in the assessment of the reusability levels of the software that they are trying to develop. As the Software industry grows, software quality estimation become major concerned. To meet the software quality more powerful and accurate software quality estimation techniques always required. Our prior model DyRM introduced a technique to perform modelling of design reusability under three real-time constraints. The proposed study extends the model as DyREM by incorporating cost estimation techniques using mathematical Analysis. This model analyse the object oriented software design and calculate the cost estimation at the reusability level of the software module. This method can predict the reusability of a software system at its design phase itself and provide a feedback to measure the required effort and cost to build a system.
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Assessment, COCOMO model, Cost Estimation, Design Reusability, Function Points, Optimization, person-Month.