Modeling & Simulation of CNT – Al Contact Two Probe System
Dr. M. Nizamuudin "Modeling & Simulation of CNT – Al Contact Two Probe System", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V44(5),215-217 February 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The purpose of this paper is to model next generation carbon nanotube cum metal based Schottky diodes. Modeling of semiconductor devices is critical in understanding factors which may affect their performance. This allows greater understanding of the underlying physics at atomic level and aids optimization in both materials and lowers development costs by reducing the time and effect between design and fabrication of working prototypes. It gives a threshold to make a revolution in VLSI design. Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Based devices present a bright future and promise to sustain FET scaling for the validation of Moore’s Law. In Silicon based devices, the gate oxide thickness has already entered the nanometer range; channel scattering from the rough oxide interface and tunneling through the thin oxide are becoming prevalent problems. Carbon nanotube based devices do not have these difficulties due to their extra ordinary electrical properties. Simulation of CNT – Al Contact Two Probe System is studied.
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CNT, Chiral, linear atomic chain,VNL, aluminum, Two Probe System