Structural Health Monitoring Of Local R.C Bridge Using Global Dynamic Technique Based On Frequency Change
Swar Imad Hasib, R.K. Pandey "Structural Health Monitoring Of Local R.C Bridge Using Global Dynamic Technique Based On Frequency Change", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V44(5),224-234 February 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
in this study, we concentrate on global health monitoring issues. Global health monitoring has been the traditional tool used to determine the safety of bridges. This technique is based on changed in frequencies and other modal parameters. However, there are several drawbacks of this technique like insensitiveness for initial damage and different frequency changes at same damage level for different location in the structure. In present search work, these drawbacks of global dynamic technique have been improved. For insensitiveness, PZT sensors were used on place of traditional sensors like accelerometer and strain gauge to real data that collected from the site. This real data was compared with analytical data that have been gotten by modelling the bridge with real dimension in analytical software like ANSYS. It was observed that numerical results are in close agreement with the experimental (real) results.
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R.C) Reinforced Concrete, Bridge, Health Monitoring, Global Dynamic Technique, Numerical (ANSYS).