Monitoring the Best product from Consumers opinion forums based on their Budget using Data Mining Technique
Jinesh Melvin Y I, Teena James, Suresh Babu " Prototype development model for conveyor using linear induction motor ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(2),71-75 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In todays market scenario consumers reviews plays an important role in deciding whether a product should be purchased or not. In most of the product analyzing sales report, they check the customer’s reviews, rating, company, product models and so on. In the previous exsisting module they analysed the products from customers rating and reviews, but there was no proper solution for customers to buy products.In this paper we decide to monitor the best product from consumers reviews based on their budget. Here we collect all products online reviews from different websites also oral reviews from different customers. We introduce this module for customers goodness and there satisfaction, aiming both low budget buyers and high budget buyers. Our reviewing mechanism econometric analysis deals with data mining techniques. This module will give a clear idea about the product for different budgeters. Our results can have several implications for the market design of online opinion forums.
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Data Mining, Review Analytics, Internet Bot, Weka.