Low RCS Target Detection: A Review
Bindu Bothra, Apurba Rani Panda, Subhasis Pradhan, Md. Ashfaque Hussain, Dillip Dash " Low RCS Target Detection: A Review ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(4),137-144 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Detection of low observable targets is one of the interesting research areas in radar signal processing. In this paper, various target detection techniques are reviewed for the detection of targets with high and low range resolution. Radar detects not only static but also moving targets, which can be accomplished by different techniques. The object to be detected gets measurements from clutter and unwanted echoes that interfere with the detection process of targets. The detection algorithms are meant to classify the target originated and clutter measurements. Some of the efficient methods of target detection are reviewed and analysedhere.
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Clutter, RCS, Multistatic Radar, MIMO Radar, SAR.