Design and Development of an Accident Detection Technique Based On the Incorporation of the Wifi Direct Technology
Catherine Rakkini.D, Prof. Nandhini.B " Design and Development of an Accident Detection Technique Based On the Incorporation of the Wifi Direct Technology ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(4),154-157 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Road accidents are undoubtedly the most frequent and, overall, the cause of the most damage. So, it is necessary to take correction measures within the prescribed time to save lives. In case of crowd areas, people will be able to help the victims. But in deserted areas, it is necessary to detect the victim once he/she is harmed. In previous detection methods, we need internet to connect the server and the client. An embedded system has been developed which observes an object, the system also sends a alert message to the authorized user through Wi-Fi direct technology such that remedy measures can be easily taken irrespective of internet connection. These features are embedded into an robot and is allowed to monitor the restricted/ deserted places.
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Wi-Fi Direct Technology.