Implementation of Thumb Controlled Braking and Acceleration in a Gearless Car for Physically Challenged Persons
S. Louis Maria Pappu, Ms. S. Helen Mary Kavitha, Mr. M. Varatharaj "Implementation of Thumb Controlled Braking and Acceleration in a Gearless Car for Physically Challenged Persons", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(4),190-195 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Improving the life style in this sophisticated world, people push them in buying a car. Even though fully automated cars arrives the market price/cost makes people think to purchase it especially in our country (India) as the population is one of the major cause. Concentrating to modulate the car for physically challenged persons and normal persons to design a car technically is easier. But considering the expenses, it peaks to higher value when it comes to the market. This paper describes to improve the car driving further more sophisticated and easily controllable for physically challenged persons (for those without legs) and also considering the safety measures. In this ambient, a car with gearless operation has been done with a new methodology. This paper mainly emphasis on the steering wheel where the accelerator and brake are brought up and embedded into it. As a result the braking and acceleration process can be done and operated with the thumb finger while holding the steering wheel. Power steering is preferred, as the full rotation of steering wheel is not possible. Hbridge circuit is used to control the operation of acceleration and braking in the proposed car. In this circuit PIC controller is used along with variable resistor. As a result the voltage supply to the system varies and changes the performance of the system. Designing such a vehicle is made much easier and cost effective.
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Gearless, Power Steering, Brake, Acceleration, Embedded, H-Bridge, Variable Resistors, Electro Magnetic Coil.