Analysis of Retinal Vasculature by Watershed Segmentation and Histogram Analysis
Soundarya.M.S, Swathi.T "Analysis of Retinal Vasculature by Watershed Segmentation and Histogram Analysis", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(5),237-240 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Retinal image analysis is becoming
eminent as a nonintrusive diagnosis method in
modern ophthalmology. This paper is mainly
focused on the early diagnosis of diabetic
retinopathy by analysing and detecting of vascular
structures in retinal images. When small vessels in
the retina have high level of glucose, it produces
blur vision which eventually leads to blindness.
Usually retinal images are taken from DRIVE
dataset. The small vessels which are abnormal are
not visible by naked eye are segmented accurately by
watershed segmentation. Through watershed
segmentation we enhance the blood vessel and
suppress the background information. The
segmented abnormal nerve image is compared with
the healthy and normal nerve image through
histogram equalization. Experimental results
achieved from the proposed method effectively used
to reduce the time for the ophthalmologist to detect
disease and give accurate treatment.
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