Calculation of Exploitation Degree at IAAS
Archana B Saxena, Sanjive Saxena "Calculation of Exploitation Degree at IAAS", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(6),251-253 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The rapid growth of cloud computing
and its rapid adoption by business units including
government organizations has transformed the
means and mechanism for doing business. For, as is
well known, that cloud offers as easy mechanism for
increasing the savings on various aspects of cost
such as maintenance costs of various devices and
paying only for the services availed from the cloud
service provider. However, despite several
advantages, the customer on the cloud is at the risk
of being exploited either by the business competitors
or the cloud service provider may on its own exploit
the customer. This paper is an attempt to develop the
mathematical model for determining the degree of
exploitation due to loss of trust in cloud. The design
of the paper follows a structured approach. it starts
with the basics of cloud computing and the various
assumptions used in the development of the model. It
takes into account several practical aspects and
finally arriving culminating at the end wherein it
highlights the means and mechanism which can be
deployed to lessen the impact of the degree of
exploitation on account of loss of trust at the IAAS
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Cloud, IAAS, Trust, Exploitation,