A Survey on Smart Posters in Android using NFC and QR-Code
Mahalpure Prajakta, Jadhav Poonam, Ghate Geeta , Malviya Akshay "A Survey on Smart Posters in Android using NFC and QR-Code", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(7),331-333 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Smart posters are a promising new use case for NFCQR-Code -enabled mobile devices, but there has been a general lack of security mechanisms for NFC/QR-Code smart posters’-SPAN - a secure smart poster system consist of three parts: an administrative web interface for managing posters, a backend server for storing and serving data, as well as an Android application for end-users. S-SPAN enforces and integrity of smart poster data as well as authentication/authorization of administrators and end-users, thus ensuring that only authorized users can access the content.[1] This project is useful for college assignments. It is very secure technique to share assignments with students.
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NFC/QR-Code, Smart Posters, NFC/QR-Code enable Smart Phone, Security