Multichannel Programmable Functional Electrical Stimulator using Atmega Controller
Kunal Bhoyania, Chetan B. Bhatt, Chirag Panchal "Multichannel Programmable Functional Electrical Stimulator using Atmega Controller", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(8),424-427 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
FES is a method of applying low level
electrical pulses to the body to restore or improve
daily routine of patients suffering from Spinal Cord
Injury. Biphasic electrical pulse ensures least
tissue damage with higher torque generation. Level
of Muscle contraction force depends on
combination of pulse frequency, pulse intensity and
pulse width, which is function of muscle
morphological data. Activation of limited number
of muscles around a joint restricts torque
generated about a joint axis. In this paper we are
proposing a fully programmable multichannel FES
with biphasic output in terms of adjustable
frequency, adjustable pulse width and adjustable
intensity. The functionality & circuit performance
of the circuits are presented in this paper.
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