Data Replication in Current Generation Computing Environment
P J Kumar, P Ilango "Data Replication in Current Generation Computing Environment", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(10),488-492 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
MANET, VANET, CLOUD and IoT are some of the
recent computing models or network architecture
that has evolved in the recent times. The
characteristics of devices and communication links
of these types of models vary largely leading to
high degree of heterogeneity. The applications
designed for such a heterogeneous type of network
faces challenges such as frequent network
partition, communication link failure, data node
crash and variations in the performance of network
links etc. Replication of data is a technique which
increases data availability in case of occurrence of
problems as mentioned above. Though the name
replication sounds familiar, its implementation to
different networks demands a custom methodology
according to the type of network. In this article we
study various replication methods used in different
network architecture or computing model. We
identify the challenges in replicating data in
diverse environment and list the scope for possible
extensions in future to improve the performance of
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Data Replication, VANET, High data or
service availability, MANET, CLOUD, P2P,
Energy Efficiency.