Design & Analysis of Crankshaft by Forged Steel & Composite Material
M.GuruBramhananda Reddy, Chanduri Rajendar Prasad, M.Uday Kiran Reddy, L. Naveen Kumar "Design & Analysis of Crankshaft by Forged Steel & Composite Material", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(1),29-35 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Crankshaft is a standout amongst the most imperative moving parts in internal combustion engine. Crankshaft is an extensive segment with a perplexing (complex) geometry in the engine, which changes over the reciprocating displacement of the piston into a rotating movement. In this paper a static simulation is led on a crankshaft from a single cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine.
A three dimensional model of diesel engine crankshaft is made utilizing Pro-E. Finite element analysis (FEA) is performed to get the variety of stress magnitude at basic areas of crankshaft. Reproduction sources of info are taken from the engine specification chart. The static analysis is done utilizing FEA Software ANSYS which brought about the heap range connected to crank pin bearing. This load is applied to the FE model in ANSYS, and boundary conditions are appied by the engine mounting conditions.
The analysis is accomplished for finding critical location in crankshaft. Stress variation over the engine cycle and the effect of torsion and bending load in the analysis are investigated. Von-Mises stress is calculated using FEA software ANSYS.
The composite materials have high quality and solidness so that these are utilized as a part of different Engineering applications. Every one of the exhibitions will complete with the assistance of Ansys software.
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Steel,compositematerials,FEA Analysis,IC engine,TDC,BDC.