Planning Designing Estimation of Condominium Building
S.Sankar, C.Elakkiaarasi, G.Sakthivel, S.Sangeetha, E.Saravanan "Planning Designing Estimation of Condominium Building", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(1),51-59 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The project of design and estimation on condominium building an approach to particularly apply the basic knowledge gained during the course of various structural elements. Tamil Nadu is the eleventh largest city in India. The total Area of Tamil Nadu is 13058km2.As it is rapidly developing the construction on the city is very costly. The residential building gives the aesthetic look to the city and also increase the economical status of the state. now the most dynamic city is Bangalore. It has emerged as the most dynamic city in Jones Lang Laselle’s fourth annual city momentum index of cities around the world ,followed by Ho Chi Minh city of Vietnam and Silicon Valley in the U.S. The index tracks the speed of change of a city’s economy and commercial real estate market. The construction of building is the main factor to increase economical status. But before the construction of building, analyze the design and estimation is very important process.
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Design, Estimation, Dynamic city, Economical status.