Study of Properties of Soil near Atigre Villege, Maharashtra
A D Katdare, T B Patil, R R Bakare, R B Patil, S D Shinde, A S Sarwadi "Study of Properties of Soil near Atigre Villege, Maharashtra", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(3),149-152 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In this work, some geotechnical properties of soil in Atigre area , Maharashtra have been found out. Samples are collected from studying area. These soil samples were subjected to routine laboratory tests. The main tests include, determination of Atterberg limits, density, specific gravity of soil soilds, permeability etc. Plasticity index (>17) clay, hence soil is classified as high plastic and cohesive. Toughness index 0.33, flow index 80.89.These properties can be used by designer as a preliminary guideline for design.
[1] IS 2720: Part XXIX : 1975 Methods of Test for Soils - Part XXIX : Determination of Dry Density of Soils In-place by the Core-cutter Method
[2] IS 2720: Part 3 : Sec 1 : 1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific gravity Section 1 fine grained soils
[3] IS 2720: Part 17 : 1986 Methods of Test for Soils - Part 17 : Laboratory Determination of Permeability
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Atterburg, c, densiyt, soil propertires.