Quality Analysis of Ground Water in Cuddalore District Neyveli Block using Conventional Method
R.Pakuththarivaalan, D.Ramraj, S.Shyam sunder, M.Shylaja, N.S.Ashik "Quality Analysis of Ground Water in Cuddalore District Neyveli Block using Conventional Method", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(3),162-168 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper aims to assess the spatial distribution of ground water quality of the neyveli block. Over exploitation of ground water has become a major challenge block. Over exploitation of ground water has become a major challenge not only to the present civilization and also for the future generations. The Ground water samples around Neyveli was collected. Samples were collected at ten different places to determine the following parameters like Color, pH, Turbidity, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Chloride, fluoride, sulphate, phosphate, Total Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Water samples were collected to know the groundwater quality using Water Quality Index (WQI). Ground water will fulfill their day – to – day water need.
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Groundwater, Neyveli block, Parameters.