Hybrid Packet Marking IP Traceback Technique over IPv4, IPv6 and Mobile IPv6
Sukhwinder Singh "Hybrid Packet Marking IP Traceback Technique over IPv4, IPv6 and Mobile IPv6", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(5),260-267 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Cyber-attacks are increasing day by day.
Each time attackers or malicious users come up with
new techniques or methods in order to harm the
network system of particular organization. While
attacking on any organization, the main focus of the
attacker is to successfully launch attack against
organization’s network system by hiding its own
identity under the identity of other legitimate user in
order to not to get traceback. This technique is
called IP spoofing. This technique is mostly used by
the attackers while performing Denial of service
(DoS) or Distributed Denial of service (DDoS)
attacks. The need of IP traceback technique arises to
trace the originator of the DoS and DDoS attacks.
There are different kinds of IP traceback technique
that are used to successfully traceback origin of the
attack. In this research work, the Hybrid packet
marking TTL and Hop Limit based identification
technique is applied on IPv4 and IPv6 network
respectively. In this technique, only the first router in
the path marks its identity into the packet. In the
IPv4 network, the first router in the path is identified
using the TTL value of IPv4 packet header and in
IPv6, the hop limit value is used to for the same. In
the case of Mobile IP, where the attacking node is
movable between the different networks, TTL based
identification mechanism and Hop limit based hybrid
traceback technique can be used for Mobile IPv4
and Mobile IPv6 respectively. In the mobile IP
network, the address of home agent will be marked
into the packet both for MIPv4 and MIPv6. In this
research work, both the techniques i.e. hybrid TTL
based identification and hybrid Hop limit based
packet marking technique are simulated for wired
and wireless IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The result
shows the successful traceback of the nodes through
the marking information in IPv4, IPv6 and Mobile IP
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IP, TCP/IP, DoS, DDoS, IP Traceback,