Light Pipe - A Sustainable Daylightining System for Building
Anant Narayan Shete, Vaibhav Durwas Kothawade "Light Pipe - A Sustainable Daylightining System for Building", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(5),268-270 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In present scenario, many countries in the
world are facing huge power crisis for domestic and
industry needs. Fossil fuels are no longer going to
support the present demand and renewable energy is
the only alternative to meet the crisis. Solar energy
has highest potential for utilization as alternative
energy source. This paper reviews the current
daylighting strategies incorporated to a building.
The development of a highly efficient reflective and
refractive materials have made the redirection of
daylighting into areas of buildings far away from the
façade. Cities are consuming more power in day
time as cities set backs are not maintained properly
for buildings as per municipal norms . To address
these problems, an innovative sustainable
technology named as Light Pipe is proposed and
explained in order to resolve these issues very
effectively and economically for better building
lighting services. Light pipe system is one invention
that transports daylight efficiently from outdoor into
rear part of a room. It does not only provide
sufficient luminance into the room but also improve
the internal environment without generating
excessive heat.
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Daylighting, energy consumption,
luminance, light pipe system, sustainable.