Leakage Power Reduction Techniques for Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Systems and Effect of Technology Scaling on Leakage Power
P.Prashanti, A.Shravya, K.Dhruthi Vasista, U.Pranathi, G.SriKalyani "Leakage Power Reduction Techniques for Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Systems and Effect of Technology Scaling on Leakage Power", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(6),309-315 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The rise in technology has demanded the use
of more and more components on chip. This rise has led
to rise in power dissipation and a major challenge for
circuit designers.Due to scaling, the reduction of
threshold voltage in CMOS circuits increases the sub
threshold leakage current which leads to the static
power dissipation. It has been observed that leakage
power is the major contributor for power dissipation
and directly affecting the battery life of circuits.In order
to restrain thisleakage power, a comprehensive study
and analysis of various leakage power reduction
techniques have been presented in this paper. Also the
effect of technology scaling on the leakage power is
analysed. MICROWIND tool is used for this approach
to analyse the power dissipation at different
technologies such as 50nm, 90nm, 120nm and 180nm at
a given power supply.
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